Friday, December 10, 2010

Playing Catch-Up: Part 2

Over the past few weeks I have been able to see a few more movies that I had missed. Here is the quick and dirty for a few more flicks:

21 - This was a fun little movie about Harvard students who are drafted by their professor for their abilities to count cards in order to take Vegas. The lead character was an unknown and did a great job. Kevin Spacey is great (as usual) as the professor/card coach and surprisingly Kate Bosworth is decent in her role as team member and eventual love interest of the main character. It's entertaining and much better than other "card" movies like Rounders. I suggest you catch this one if you can. "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!"

The Last Airbender - So I will admit, the only reason I watched this one is because Jackson Rathbone is in it. Some of the effects were neat, the the story was fractured, jumpy and the acting on whole was atrocious. I am sure fans of the original Avatar series (yes this was the original before Spielberg stole the name and got the jump in the theaters) were heartbroken. Really, don't bother, there are other Jackson Rathbone movies out there!

The Road - Based on the book, we find a man and his son struggling to survive after an unnamed cataclysmic event. Plant and animal life is destroyed and what humans are left are in survival mode, even to the point of cannibalism. It is a bleak, realistic and scary view of the human condition, though not all hope is lost. This movie is deep and disturbing on many levels, so be sure to be prepared. It is not to be missed and I HIGHLY recommend it.

Brothers - I was looking forward to this movie because I felt it would deal with many interesting issues, but it didn't deliver for me. Two brothers, one a married army officer sent to the middle east war and the other just out of jail and trying to regain his family's trust. A story of loss, redemption and forgiveness that fell short of really dealing with these issues in a meaningful way. This is an example of a wonderful idea left in the wrong hands. Oh, and the music was HORRENDOUS. It was completely detached from the emotion of the film, much like the script was from the important issues. So watch at your own peril, unless you just want to blankly stare at Jake Gyllenhal 'cause he was lookin' good!

The Blind Side - I knew this movie would make me cry. That's why I ignored it for so long. It was a powerful true story of a young man, who like many in his situation, would have been lost and fallen through the cracks is someone hadn't given him a chance. I cried and it was an amazing film. Uplifting, thought provoking and depressing to think of the thousands of youth who are wasting away because they have no way out. If you haven't seen it, please do. You'll cry, but it's so worth it!

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Hey look! Another Jackson Rathbone movie! :) The first movie was OK. The second movie was so bad I decided that I didn't need to pay $10 to see the third installment in the theater. I wish I had seen it on the big screen now because the new director definitely impressed me. The story is convoluted and unrealistic, but he made it interesting by his use of color, cinematography and pacing. The CGI wolves were amazing, and of course Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) had a HUGE part in this film so I was very satisfied. I was glad to see that Edward and Bella had more charisma this time. If I were her I wouldn't want to choose either of them (the Manipulative Vampire or the Aggressive/Violent werewolf), but it was still entertaining and interesting. They should keep this director, though I know they always change it up. They won me back and I actually look forward to seeing what they do with the 2-part series finale.

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